Sunday, December 30, 2007
Gunner has his own moment....
Thursday, December 20, 2007
a CAPITAL moment!
Here they are in front of the offices of the Chief Justices...marble is everywhere in this building! If you fall, it would really hurt, duh.
Ok, this shot is hard to see, but it was rather dark in here, this is the kids playing court IN the supreme court! They all had a part in a mock trial and the amazing thing was, it was a real court case and they voted exactly the same as the justices did in the same trial!
This is just outside of the law library at the back of the supreme court, it is really beautiful out here.
This year we decided to do something different with our homeschool. For the pas several years the kids have participated in a program at another homeschool center, we change for one where we have the opportunity to attend field trips every Friday, and so far it has been wonderful. This was an amazing opportunity to learn so much about our state capital, as well as a really fun family adventure. I hope to have another one of our Friday adventures posted on here soon for you to enjoy too!
a moment from a childs perspective....
Sorry grandpa, somehow we lost Grandmas picture!! Nice smile though!! We love you guys!
Hi Grandma Joan!
Is Grandpa Curt hiding m & m's in his cheeks?
So, we had plenty of turkeys at Thanksgiving, it was a wonderful time and wonderful memories were made....hope yours was a blessing to you as well!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Star Wars Moments....& other funny stuff....
In the bathroom there were two posters about smoking...and they just had me cracking up. I hope you can read these images. Isn't it amazing what people used to think about smoking and in such a short span of time the entire world feels so very different about it? Something funny that also happened on our trip that relates to smoking, we were at our friends house visiting and I saw a glass ashtray sitting on a table. It was clean and unused, I picked it up and showed it to my kids and asked them if they knew what it was or what it is used for. They sat looking at it completely puzzled, it was incredible, they had no idea it was an ashtray. So funny, it made me giggle while I watched them eyeing this foreign object. Ok, so here is one more shot from that bathroom, and boy did I feel like a dork taking pictures of things inside of a bathroom, but I had to get these on film!

This one says "Before you scold me mom, you better light up a Marlboro"! HA, can you believe it?
More sukkot moments
Moments with Grisam
Gris' little bed I made under the table, he took a nice little nap under here.
Gunner is still wishing Grisam would play with him, but here they are together in the play room.
And one last shot of Gunner trying to get some attention! Gunner thought this little bed was really rather nice. He was just a bit too big for it!
PS Grisam, if I spelled your name sincerest apologies.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
So many fun times!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Happy Birthday Jordan!
Here is dad enjoying the party...great picture huh? LOL!
It was a great day, filled with family and friends. Jordan picked the menu, we had hamburgers, BBQ potato chips, watermelon, plums, french fries, root beer floats and cake. Not to mention the huge bowl of mini candy bars and fruit roll ups. We were well filled with sugar and junk by the time this one ended! We all had a wonderful time. It was great to have all the family together to celebrate and a few friends as well. He made out with tons of cash, (well not tons, but more than I got at this moment!), bionicles, legos and things for his computer. He had a wonderful and memorable day and weekend combined.
the zoo
And here I am with my friend Julie P. again outside the butterly tent. It was a great day, the kids had a blast and Atira did have fun with her friend Reya too, I just did not get a picture of them together!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Portland, OR Moments
It was a wonderful weekend (well, really 4 days) and we made lots of new friends and memories. We can't wait for the next one! So that is what we have been up to...I will continue to update soon!
Our love from all of us to all of you, our family.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Strawberry moments, YUM!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
A moment away.
Happy Anniversary! Scott and I are celebrating our 18th anniversay on Monday! We decided to get away to La Conner for the weekend. It was a wonderful time. (Doesn't Scott look happy?!) LOL! He was waiting for the timer to go off on the camera, and I don't look as good in the second picture, so I decided to put this one up to share! HA! So, we stayed at the historic Hotel Planter, it had all the charm of an old home. Although we found out we are very spoiled by the quiet we enjoy in our home, we had a horrible time sleeping with all the noise in the hall and outside. They have original windows, single pane, blocks absolutely no noise. But the place was wonderful anyway. We loved visiting the Gaches Mansion, it is a beautiful place and just filled with beautiful quilts on display.
WE FOUND THE TURKEYS!! It was great fun, Scott was going to try to pet one, but he walked away and joined the others in someones front yard. In total we had the opportunity to see six of them! I forgot to tell you all about how we were so blessed while there, on the first night we had visited an art store, and in it was an artist showing how she creates her painting and giving folks an opportunity to try it. Her medium is painting on silk. As we watched she explained that they would be having a drawing for the silk scarf that everyone was working on and for a piece of her original art, but you had to be present to win, the drawing would be later that evening. We decided to come back later to see if would win and WE DID! The artists name is Karen Sistek, click on her name and it will take you to her sight. Go about 3/4 of the way down the page and look for the white poppy painting called "Kay" and that is what we won! It is beautiful! When we find a place to hang it, I will post it for you all to see. The whole weekend was very fun. The kids had a great time with their Grandma Sheila although we missed them much and they missed us too. But it was a nice time for everyone.