Sunday, June 13, 2010

I made it!

WOO HOO! I tried out for The Old Schoolhouse homeschool review crew and they approved me for boarding! So, this upcoming homeschool year the kids and I will be reviewing products we receive and I will be sharing those reviews here on my blog! We are looking forward to all the many new things we will have the opportunity to experience and can't wait to share them. In addition, my good friend Denise is my firstmate (mentor) to help me through this whole experience. So, be watching for the additional review posts that I will be adding very soon!


Heidi said...

Lucky you to have Denise for a friend. She's so much fun! :) Welcome to the Crew!

momma24 said...

Yay for us!! Can't wait to see what the coming year brings.

author said...

Gee whiz, of course you made it! there was even a question. ;o]

Uh, what I meant was--congratulations--again! :) Hee hee! Fun times ahead, girl!