ONE STOP SHOP! Calling all Homeschool Mommies! I would love to share with you about the shiny new 2010 TOS Homeschool Planner!
The planners beautiful sleek design will have all of your homeschool mommy friends just oohing and ahhing over it's incredible design, innovative features and ease of use! :)
As homeschool families, we have a LOT on our plate! We are truly super parents in many ways! We plan for many things throughout the day, a homeschool schedule, cleaning routines, chores, meals, shopping etc etc etc. You KNOW the list goes on and on! Wouldn't be wonderful to have a little help for many of these areas, helping you to have a more organized home?
HELP IS ON THE WAY! The 2010 TOS Homeschool Planner has a bit of everything you could imagine and a whole lot more than you probably would have hoped for!

Need a recipe, it's in there, need a form for planning your day, it's in there, need some biblical inspiration, ITS IN THERE! Thank the Lord! Whether you are looking for forms, recipes or just some inspiration for your homeschool day, it is all in there! The incredible number of topics covered by this 614 page planner just boggle the mind! Incredibly creative ideas and completely tuned into a the homeschool family lifestyle. Just what the mommy ordered!
***********************All of this for the low, low price of just $39.00!********************
BUT WAIT! There's more! You will receive your addition of the 2010 planner via PDF Download, so you will be able to hop in and play after your payment is processed! WOW!
Time is running out, school will be starting very soon! Click on our link to head on over to our ordering page where we have a website standing by to take your order and learn about more of the features offered in this amazing product!
Personally, I used the 2009 TOS Planner all last year, and it was a wonderful addition to my homeschool organization. One of my favorite features was being able to get into a form and type the information I wanted into it and print it out all done! My records look so wonderfully neat and organized, makes this homeschool mommy quite happy! :)
I hope you take a moment to check out the 2010 planner, I think you will be quite surprised and happy with the amazing content of this sleek new planner for the upcoming school year! Help keep your brain nice, shiny and bright by getting organized through This Old Schoolhouse and the 2010 Planner.
And the fine print....This posting is done with the intent to sell a product. Now, wasn't that fun and cheezy? ;0)
Oooh, I love the idea of keeping my brain nice, shiny and bright! ;) Awesome job, Tina!
Very nice, Tina!!
I still want it even if the post was done with the intent to sell the product. I am having a hard time knowing I can't have it 'til at least payday. I would be telling my children something about patience right about now...
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