Math is certainly not my strongest subject. So I am always on the hunt for someone or something to help my children understand and be able to use math concepts better than I can. So, it was quite appropriate that one of my review items was for math and better yet, it is on DVD, which means I can sit back and be a student right along side my children!
I received two DVD's in the mail for review, one is "The Pre-Algebra Tutor Volume 1" (2 DVD's, 5 hours of video) and the second is "The Texas Instruments TI-83/TI-84 Calculator Tutor" (3 DVD's, 8 hours of video). *yawn*. Well, that is what went through my mind, especially when I saw that second one. However, I am trying to keep a joyful appearance as I want my children to love math....not tolerate it like I do. Funny thing is, my pre homeschool mommy days, I was a banker and mortgage loan officer! Both careers were completely math oriented! Crazy, huh? Oh, and I would say I do have some mad skills when it comes to percents, such as how much is this super cute top when it is on sale at 30% off? ZING BAM! I have the answer! I don't need a calculator or a lesson on how to do that kind of math....but the stuff my son is getting into? Lord help me.
So, we began our journey into the Math Tutor DVD using the first series, Pre-Algebra Tutor Volume 1. First let me say, couldn't be easier to use, pop it in and choose your lesson, hit play, sit back and relax...literally. He does not want you distracted by taking notes etc, just watch the lesson. The backdrops are simple and not distracting, this all about the math. Simple white board in the background for writing equations and the teacher showing you what is going on.
The lessons progress covering basic topics of pre-algebra, preparing your child for this new language they will be encountering (and for you math challenged parents like myself), giving you some tools when you begin tackling this new phase of math.
For my family this was perfect timing as I am using this as an end of summer review before we get back into a regular schedule. As much as I long to continue some of the basics through summer, I rarely achieve that goal, and not wanting to break my summer routine ;0) we kind of dropped math sometime in June...so, this has been wonderful for refreshing all those lessons we have not visited in some time.

Now, I would like to move this review on to the Texas Instruments TI-83/TI/84 Calculator Tutor DVD set. UGH, that was a mouthful.
Let's get the basics first, this set covers the TI83/84 and plus versions of this calculator. You will receive 3 DVD's in this series including 8 hours of instruction (for one calculator!!??!!) Seriously, your gonna need it.
So, my son and I sat down over french toast and hot cocoa to watch this particular series. Notice, comfort food when approaching what could be a scary topic...also creating "sweet" connections between math and food....don't know if it will work, but it helped me! :) So, we sat back and began this series. I have to say with all of my math insecurities, this series is done very well. I felt like I could follow along with the instructions, even though I had no idea what he was talking about most of the time (in regards to the equations I mean, these, were way over our heads). On the screen you see on the left a computer image of the calculator that he is interacting with and on the right is a computer image of the screen of said calculator. He walks you through step by step, showing you what the buttons do, how to do some equations and even teaching you that it is not the calculator that gets good grades, but the brain working the calculator. The teacher, is warm, friendly and makes the series easy to watch.
So, overall I would say this is an excellent series. My son is ready for the upcoming school year in math having done this review. And I look forward to being able to truly utilize the calculator series when the time comes that my son is in that level of math. These will definitely be staying on our shelves to use as reference, I am thankful I had the opportunity to review these...and that is saying a lot from this math fearing mama!
Great products at a good price - you can find either The Pre-Algebra series or the TI Calculator series at Mathtutordvd.com for just $26.99 plus shipping. Check out their variety of other math DVD series as well, we were very happy with the two made available to us for review.
Disclaimer: I am a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew. As such I have received this product free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion and review of this product. I have not received any additional compensation for my review.
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