Why in the moment? Well, living in the moment is something I work hard to do. I find myself worrying about the future or the past and not really living and loving my precious present moments. I am hoping by sharing some of my precious moments in my present life, it will help me to remember to stay there more often. Now, a bit about who I am....
My name is Tina and I am a wife, a mother to two beautiful children, full time homeschooling mom and a wannabe "
flybabe" (If you don't know the Fly Lady, please go to
www.flylady.com and check her out!). And by "wannabe" I mean, I am working on that, like so many things, and getting better a little at a time. Babysteps as the FlyLady says! I am also a friend, a daughter and a believer and follower of my Messiah Yeshua. My list could go on and on of who and what I do, but I will stop there for now, and let the who and what's unravel a bit at a time, so we can work on keeping in the moment. For right now, I am a mom, with two sleeping children and one sleeping husband who has a few quiet moments in front of her computer and a couple of chocolate peanut butter cups to keep her company....oh the beauty of being in a moment!
Thank you for coming by and visiting my first ever blog. Check in again...I hope to be posting again very soon.
By the way, the photograph here is of the Oregon coast, taken from our van parked on the side of the road overlooking this majestic scene of the lighthouse and the lighthouse keepers home. Enjoy!