Friday, January 18, 2008

We been so busy!!

I will work on getting a photo up here on Sunday, but I wanted to take a moment to tell about what we have been up to lately.

For homeschool the kids had the opportunity to go and play soccer at an indoor court near our home. They had a wonderful time!! They played for two hours, first warmed up, then played, all coached, the next day they were both so very sore! I had to give Atira Tylenol because he legs hurt so bad!!

Today we went roller skating for two hours and it was a blast! They had a great time and so did I . The fun part for me (besides the roller skating) was the fact that it was at the rink I used to go to all the time when I was a teenager. It looked very much the same, so the moms and I had a fun time reminiscing about "graveyards" and video games. Not to mention, they played some music from our era! The kids really enjoyed my stories of hanging out there as well.

We are now studying about the revolutionary war, well right now we are studying about the things leading up to that war...and it has been a very fun study! For science we are focusing on mammals and that has been fun as well. Both the kids are doing so well and are so smart. They read all the time, even when they are not required to by me for their studies! It cracks me up, we will finish up our day of studying and I will find the two of them sitting with books reading away! Now, don't think they would not hop on a video game or computer if I said yes, but they really do love reading and I am very happy about that!
Well, that is tonights update...I will work on getting some pics up here very soon.
Have a great weekend all!

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