I am back! We are enjoying a lovely little snowy sabbath rest today. Enjoyed some time copying a portion of scripture, watched a good teaching from El Shaddai ministries as well. I then thought, perhaps I could take some time today and show my blog a little love. ♥
Between homeschool, home fellowship, bible study, jiujitsu, piano lessons and all the many things God has us involved in, I find it too easy to push this blog to the end of my to do list. The sad thing is, I really do love keeping this account of the adventures of our life. I love looking back and seeing the pictures and recalling the wonderful memories held here. Someday...I would love to have this blog made into a book, just to keep, to hand down to our children. A modern day journal printed out to be able to cuddle up with and enjoy a stroll down memory lane.
Let's get on to the catching up part....this pictures are probably not going to be in order, but I will do my best! Here goes!
We will begin our picture-a-thon with photos from our celebrations over Hanukkah. This year was especially sweet as we had some of our family here to celebrate with us! What a wonderful blessing and memorable time remembering God's incredible miracles He performs for His people!

Atira - our sweet girl, loving the purple and animal prints from her sweet Granny Sheila! ♥

Atira has her BFF playing dreidel with us....well her picture anyway is set up in front of a stash just for her!

Shaggy, the ultimate dreidel player!

Beautiful candles, a reminder to be lights in the darkness. It was so beautiful and bright when we had all of those hanukkah menorahs lit!

The family lights the Hanukkah menorahs.

Atira playing with her new dolly kitchen! She LOVES this toy!

Jordan is a boy through and through, enjoying his new airsoft gun from his Granny Sheila.

More purple! Atira loves her new coat from Gramma Joan & Grampa Curt! ♥

Um, this is a gift only boys want (most of the time anyway, and certainly in our home). It is a gadget to go on the end of a rifle to soften the recoil. The fact that I have that much terminology is almost frightening. And I think it is right too! :)

Gramma Joan and the kiddos, gift giving!!
HEY! That's me! Usually I am behind the camera, which i still am in this picture. I just like evidence that I exist to show up on this blog once in a while. hee hee.

OH! What a fun and special day this was! Atira, Scott and I headed out to the American Girl store! WOO HOO! Her daddy had never been there before and she was so excited to show him all about her passion.

Girl of the year just came out! Atira is posing with McKenna.....did I spell that right? I will double check....hang on folks....yes, I did. You can rest now.

Enjoying all the fun girly things in AG! This was 1/2/2012 We were blessed to have daddy home with us that day and took full advantage!

Now to back up in time a bit....we finally had the opportunity ti praise God for Curt's life and the fact that he has brought this wonderful man into ours! His bday is in November...we made him a Grampa Curt Cake special just for him! Filled with all kinds of deliciousness that we think of when we think of him! Chocolate cake, reeses peanut butter cups in the filling, reeses pieces on top and a coating of potato chips on the outside! All I heard after the cake was cut was crunching and slurping and mmmmmmmm's all around! (Sadly, I am trying to figure out an allergy issue, so I was not able to enjoy a slice of this little bit of heaven! And yes, I am sure heaven is peanut buttery goodness with crunchy salty potato chips and roads paved with frosting!)

♥Family♥ Isn't this picture fabulous?! We are so blessed, each year for many years now, both sides of Scott and my family gather for Thanksgiving. What a tremendous blessing! Sadly, my grandmother is not doing well and was not able to make it this year. In the above photo we have something never captured before this night, all three of Geoff's children in one room at the same time! Another incredible blessing! So...let's see if we can label this picture: Upper row starting on the left: Grandma Joan, Grandma Sheila, Tina (me!), Atira (our daughter), Jazzy (Geoffs middle daughter), Monique (Geoff's youngest daughter), Kat (Geoff's wife). Lower row, starting from the left: Grandpa Curt (wearing Jordans hat), Jordan, Jeremy (Geoff's oldest child), my husband Scott is laying on him, and Geoff! Whew! I did it! What a wonderful memory this evening was!

Siblings....it's amazing, even if they don't grow up together, they still act, well, just like siblings!

our beautiful daughter

he kept moving, but still a nice picture of my dad.

Cousins! ooooh! I love this picture!

And here they are for the first time ever folks! Cousins all sitting together! What a wonderful sight!

EEP! My son made it to his yellow belt! And guess what! He did not stop there...I will have another update soon showing you his BLUE BELT!! We are SO proud of him! What an incredible young man of God Jordan is!

This is what happens when you are a cat living in a house with a sister. Oh Shaggy, we love you.
Ok, my digits and my brain needs a blogging break. I will stop here for now. It is snowing out and is just beautiful, I think I will go and enjoy a cup of tea, some time with my family and return later to finish my updates......... Don't think that way, I will be back, sooner than later! :)