Well..it was time. Scott had taken our old van as we bought a new one for our first ever major road trip this past fall. It (the old van) had over 120,000 miles on it and it proved to be a wise move not to take it on a long haul down the coast. The old van bit the bullet. Cracked a head or worse...may need a new engine in it. Well, the cost of repair for the lesser work was nearly the value of the van and the price of a new engine out cost it's value by almost 2,000 dollars! Easy decision, time for a new vehicle. After pondering what to do, we found a great deal on another van, Scott would take the recently purchased one as it is more manly (that is if a van can be more manly, but it is a GMC, I think that helps?!) and I would take the new more family style van. Well, we were not thrilled, it was nice, clean and a good price, but that was it, no spark so to speak. Well then.....we spotted this little white number, Scott asked if it is was in our price range and it was...took it for a little spin and bought it! He loves it, finally, he has a car he has wanted, it has been a long time since that has happened. This little GMC Jimmy has it all, 4 wheel drive, towing package, heated mirrors...it's a beaut. (Beauty, eh?!) He is happy, I was thrilled and the kids love it. So there is the latest, sorry for the long time between posts, I will work on making this a regular weekly mission on my part. Glad to hear we have a request! Love to all our family!
Hey girl...I found your blog!
I added your blog to my blog roll on the right sidebar of my PWOprah.
Rock on with the new van, Tina! Love it! It looks quite sporty.
Umm..yeah, you need to keep more up-to-date on this here blog. (Grin)
(Like I'm a fine one to talk, huh?--Heehee)
Have a good one!
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