What a beautiful day for a road trip! The Fourth of July was perfect for getting on the road and heading in to the mountains. We enjoyed a beautiful drive up hwy 2 to Leavenworth where we spent the day. It was 85 degrees and sunny! Here is a bit of our adventure....
An early stop at the fudge store. I think they had a sample of nearly everything in there! In the end we walked out with a pound and a half, yes A POUND AND A HALF of fudge!! Our day was dominated by sweet treats and junk food.

Lunch was at Gustavs, where else?!?! Of course we needed a shot of Gustavo under the sign of Gustavs restaurant. :) yummy food and we were able to watch the end of the soccer game!!
The Welcome Wagon! I love this family picture!!
This family picture, on the other hand, absolutely cracks me up!! Gustavo is the goat, Scott is the man, Atira the lady, Jordan the little boy and I'm the little girl. 😝
Love these kids. My favorites. ❤️❤️❤️
The guy who toted this crazy group into the mountains for an adventurous day. I love him. 😊
Sadly, by the time we were about done with our adventure we learned that my Aunt, mi Tia, Gustavo's precious Grandma had passed away this day. May The Lord bless her and her family and bring them peace...shalom ❤️
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