Sunday, May 19, 2013


Today is the holy day known as Shavuot or Pentecost. We arrive at this day by counting off 50 days following The sabbath after Passover. It is a count up, not a countdown. It is a time of anticipation and remembrance. We remember the giving of the Torah to the Israelites at the base of Mt Sinai 3500 years ago, we also remember the giving of the Spirit of God on Shavuot 2000 years ago after Yeshuas ascension and promise to send The Comforter to us. At Sinai 3000 people died, years later 3000 were restored to God. We look forward and anticipate this season in remembrance of the greatness of our God. We remember His faithfulness, we remember His calendar, His appointed times. He has set this day as a special time to celebrate His goodness! Today we will gather with friends, share a meal, read scripture and play games. Last night after the sun set, we celebrated by talking about the significance of this day with our kids and giving them a present. They know they get a gift on Shavuot, it is a reminder to them that there was a promise made and the disciples anticipated this gift from the Master during this same timeframe 2000 years ago. This year we gave them each a siddur, a prayer book as well as a bunch of candy! It is a reminder to them that His feasts are a sweet time, His word is Sweet, as honey to the lips. It is an honor and blessing to remember this day and to proclaim it to the world! Happy Shavuot!!

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