It is times like these that I am thankful we take our time about using gift cards given to us. If I was smart, I would always save them for lay offs. Because of our procrastination, we were able to take the kids to see Kung Fu Panda 2 today. Very cute and kept us giggling! We smuggled in some super cheap Twizzlers, thanks to my couponing habit!
Speaking of couponing, that is something Scott and I are doing together now as well! Not all the time, but we have been out on some adventures to snag up really great priced things together! We have also been selling on Ebay, that has been an adventure as well! We are doing quite well so far, thank you Lord! We even sold our Wii system, we decided to use that money to get us to our annual conference this year. And it was just enough. We are so thankful to still be able to go and pay cash as well!
In related news, the Lord has continued to show His amazing provision for us in an abundance of ways! This week I have two cleaning jobs coming up thanks to my sweet friend Michelle. She always has work for me just when we need it. I am so thankful. In addition, Scott received a call from his former employer (and our neighbor) asking him if he could come to work on a part time temporary basis. This works perfect for us since we are enjoying the time off together, however this will "bank hours" with the union so our benefits continue for us. AMAZING! Just what we needed! I also have to mention that during that phone call I received one from another, most generous friend who said her husbands company is going to be looking for someone temporarily to help out on a job coming up! So, if he is interested to give him a call! Opportunities are pouring in from everywhere!
Scott is now in physical therapy. We truly feel this is incredible timing, the layoff, so Scott can get his body back to feeling good. He will be heading off to PT two times a week for now. His MRI scans showed some tendinitis as well as some arthritis in his left shoulder. The physical therapist feels he can really help Scott through exercise. We are praying this is so. We have also had the added blessing of sweet friends offering us advice on diet changes he can make to help him feel better as well. We are very hopeful that by the time he goes back to full time work, he will be ready both emotionally and physically!
So, as to our adventures lately....our latest was going to The Farm in Snohomish for a bbq dinner and play time as well as having the opportunity to take a look at the acre of land we will be working on to help Harvest for the Hungry. We had the opportunity to work this land last summer in conjunction with a local church. It was a great experience for us, and we are looking forward to doing it again this summer, only we hope to have daddy with us as well! You might be wondering what we do there, basically we come in and help weed and take care of the vegetables growing and later in the season we begin harvesting and the fresh food is donated to our local food banks. Last year the farm donated over 15,000 pounds of food! AMAZING! The added blessing is we are able to glean from the harvest as well. This will come in quite handy for our family this summer. :) The additional blessing of this particular adventure is we are able to see where our food comes from. How difficult it really is to bring forth food and the biblical lessons are innumerable. I love the lessons God gives us as we are working on the farm. Truly, we gain more from this experience than I feel we give.
Yesterday was an incredibly beautiful day! Our family has found hiking to be a much loved outdoor activity so we decided to head out to Wallace Falls for the day, sadly everyone else apparently had the same great idea. The place was PACKED! There was no parking anywhere near the falls, it would have been a hike just to get to the entrance of the trail. :( We decided instead to head to the nearby Skykomish river. Big Eddy is a beautiful area with river access, rocks to climb and if it is warmer, much, much warmer, you could wade in the water. As for us, our feet in the water for more than a minute caused our bones to ache, that day was just far too cold for wading. Our dogs on the other hand thought the temperature was lovely! We enjoyed our picnic lunch together sitting on rocks and being this was also the sabbath we spent some time in prayer and bible study. I don't believe there is a more appropriate place to read God's word than sitting in view of some of His most amazing creation. It was a most memorable day. Scott thought it would be fun to take the scenic route home, which after 45 minutes of meandering through side streets and county roads we ended up a back on the highway an entire block from where we turned off! Hilarious! So, here are some pictures of our adventures at Big Eddy.