What an amazing trip! We were so blessed the entire week we were there! We flew in and the weather was perfect. 80 degrees + when we stepped off of the plane. Beautiful, blue sky and not even any smog to damper the experience. We surprised Scott's cousin by showing up a half an hour early which was fine by us to sit under the palm tree and enjoy the beauty and warmth of southern California! She found us happily soaking in the sun and big hugs were shared all around. What a wonderful blessing to see her beautiful, smiling face again! We made our way back to her house, with of course a quick stop at....In N Out burgers! One of Scotty's favorite spots. After a late lunch, we hit the pre-warmed pool and hot tub for a little down time after a busy day of travel. It was luxurious. We were already being spoiled. After some fun in the sun, Gina and I headed to the grocery store to gather some provisions for the week. Fun little store kind of like Trader Joes, called Sprouts.
Monday we made our way over to Scott's grampas house...it is always a wonderful treat going back there. It remains the same and is filled with wonderful memories, even for me who came along much later! Scott enjoyed taking his kids around and showing them the house, photos and sharing memories. Gramps, of course, was the HIGHLIGHT of this day! So great to see him and get to spend some time with him. Jordan enjoyed asking him questions about his life and memories...my history buff...found another history buff and they were both quite content! We had a lovely visit and then headed back to Ginas for a little down time.
Tuesday and Wednesday were our Disneyland days....I won't give all the details here, but save those for the next post. We had a wonderful time and it was a memorable as well as exhausting couple of days. I would do them over again in a second!
The rest of our trip consisted of wonderful family time, a dinner and gathering at Curt and Maureens house. Wow! It was incredible to see everyone! New families have been created since our last visit as well as a new baby! So sweet and precious! Gina and Rito's daughter celebrated her birthday while we were there (thank you so much for the early celebration so we could participate!) and we had the blessed opportunity to see so many more people. It was a fun and crazy several days!
Well..I am leaving off there for now. I am hoping to be back on here very soon for more updates. Please check back, you will NOT want to miss the story of the Darth Vadar and Atira! (Oh and we have a good one on Jordan and the Stormtroopers too!)