This is Atira before her middle tooth fell out...(actually it was her left tooth, it just scootched over to look like a middle tooth. I took to calling her "Jack" short for jack-o-latern, she did NOT appreciate it, athough I got quite the giggle from it!)

AFTER!! Her tooth came out and what a lovely story that is too. We were eating dinner when she felt her tooth had come out, her mouth full of food. Yum. So, I did not know what else to do, so I told her to spit it all out on her placemat! Which she happily did, then dug through the chewed up remains until she found her tooth. A happy girl, she was! That night the mommy fairy left her a coupon for one cake with candles, even though it was not her birthday! She was incredibly pleased. I was a bit worried she would not be happy it was not cash, but she loved her coupon. Worked out fine.

Now, what has Jordan been up to? Well, he has received his junior red belt in martial arts. He is very proud and happy of this accomplishment. He has worked with his blue belt for two years now and Master Chang wanted to give him some motivation to keep on working hard. This did the trick, can you see how happy he is in this photo?!

We had the opportunity to have Atira and Jordans cousin Monique over for a few hours this past week. It was great fun to have her and the girls had a wonderful time together. Amazingly, Atira and Monique are a year apart in age, but they are almost exactly the same height and size! They look very much alike too. No question they are related! This picture is taken of them after they got all dolled up, makeup, dresses, the works! What a fun afternoon! Not to mention, we had Grandma Joan over too, it is always fun we get a chance to visit.
Well, I tried to upload one more picture, and I could not seem to get blogger to cooperate with me, so my last picture will have to be in the form of a new post! So, to all our friends and family, enjoy the update. We love and miss you! And to everyone else, thanks for stopping by!