Well, this summer has certainly NOT been a boring one! We have had all kinds of adventures one of which is the total construction zone that we used to call our street and driveway! Our neighbors have decided to do a little construction it's funny how easy you can jump onto that bandwagon when someone else is already starting the trouble. We decided since he was ripping out part of the street, we would repair a part of our driveway and finish off our second driveway with concrete, after all, the neighbor started it! Our two homes at the end of the street here will look positively stunning, when it is all done. For now, it is a mess. We drive on dirt and watch the dust fly. The kids are having a blast and need more baths than ever before. But lots of dirt is a great sign of a super fun day! I will try to upload more pictures as this job finishes out. As for now, here is one of Jordan on the tractor that was used to change the views out our front windows!