What a fun party this was! I just love the internet for inspiration!! Atira decided she wanted to do a spa sleepover party for her and a few of her girlfriends. As each young lady showed up they signed into "Petite Dame Spa" at the front desk....of course having to give their names as this was a very exclusive event! First on the agenda was a foot soak in a wonderful bath tea! The ladies enjoyed the warm water and delicious fragrance of herbs in the air! After drying their feet and using an incredible lotion bar to moisturize with, they were moved to the parlor for a facial and of course it would not be complete without cucumbers for the eyes! All of the products we used on the girls were all natural and made by
EdensHerbs, a fellow homeschooling mommy and creator of luscious herbal products for body and face! (Check her out, you won't be sorry!) We then moved into a highlight of our evening, fingernail painting. Fun, yes, highlight? Not usually. Ah, but tonight was quite different! We found a wonderful game online, something like musical chairs except nobody "is out" and everyone wins! I put in the soundtrack to "The Sound of Music", and each girl started with one color of fingernail polish, as the music played they passed the polish to the next girl, when it stopped, they took the color in their hand and painted one toe nail with it! It was WONDERFUL!! The girls were singing along with all the songs, having such a wonderful time! I thoroughly enjoyed watching this one, had me singing and giggling right along with them! We then moved on to dinner, on the menu was cucumber, cream cheese sandwiches, pbj's, strawberries, bananas and a melted chocolate pot, cheese cubes on toothpicks. I had only planned on the fruit being dipped into the chocolate, oh how wrong I was!! They dipped everything in there! SANDWICHES TOO!! I couldn't believe it. So, little note to all of you , if you want the food at your next party to be a BIG hit, just get a chocolate pot and let them dip it all, doesn't appear to matter what you serve! They had so much fun! After dinner, they moved into the cinema room to watch A Little Princess, sadly we had technical difficulties and had to put in our backup showing of The Sound of Music. As they watched they created fluffy flip flops with strips of fabric being tied to the straps of the shoes, so cute. They then had popcorn, cake, and finally painted their fingernails. Oh, and we must not forget presents, that did come before the movie....and she had a blast opening all of her gifts. I could not be more blessed with the wonderful group of girls my daughter is surrounded by. Oh, and one more little note, the girls watched this video:
More Beautiful You, and we had a lovely chat about how our beauty is given to us by God and our reflection of Him in this world. We also discussed Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but the Young Lady who fears Adonai, she shall be praised! And as much fun as these girls had frilling up with the girly stuff, they are true beauties in their hearts! So, this is the close of the 10th birthday of Atira...it was a fun time and I do believe she was thoroughly spoiled and very blessed!
1 comment:
Oh, I love this idea! My little girls would love this too! I love that you showed the video to that wonderful song too!
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