Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ted Pearce Concert

Oh, we had such a great time! We attended the Ted Pearce concert this last week with several of our friends and it was wonderful to hear him in person. He also shared his testimony of how he came to God, incredible and inspiring. He was a man on a mission, determined he could prove that the biblical history was completely inaccurate and false. It turned his life around, this obsession, and he is now a good and faithful servant of the Most High! He has also had the incredible opportunity to perform in Germany where he participated in a walk to one of the concentration camps, remembering the horrors and atrocities that occurred there. They had a service of remembrance and it was incredibly touching to see the photos and hear the stories. Our night ended with meeting some new friends and enjoying laughs with current ones. I walked away with he new CD as well, and that was a great blessing!
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